Course Information
This is the course website for PUBL0099: Quantitative Text Analysis for Social Science, delivered by the Department of Political Science at UCL.
Key information
- Module Name: Quantitative Text Analysis for Social Science
- Module Code: PUBL0099
- Lecturers:
- Jack Blumenau,
- Michael Jacobs,
- Student Support and Feedback Hours:
- Credits: 15
- Assessment Method: 3000 words research essay
- Assessment Deadline: First week of term 3.
Course Description
Some of the most interesting and important concepts in the social sciences are observable predominantly (or sometimes even exclusively) in written form. This is because much of social life occurs through the language that we use: laws are written; speeches are spoken; historical events are transcribed; correspondence is shared; and so on. Historically, quantitative social scientists have spent relatively little time analyzing the texts produced as the output of these social processes, for two main reasons. First, for many research questions focused on social texts, researchers only had access to relatively small numbers of documents, meaning that qualitative approaches were both attractive and feasible for such analyses. Second, when large collections of documents were available, analysing those texts tended to be expensive and technically challenging.
In recent years, however, the volume of text-based data available to social scientists has proliferated at an extraordinary rate, largely thanks to the huge collections of texts that have been made available online. The increasing availability of digitized texts has also prompted social scientists to develop a wide array of new methods that can be used to analyse and (we hope) extract meaning from those texts. These two changes – the increasing availability of digitized text data, and the rapid pace of methodological development – have provoked an enormous amount of research in the field of “quantitative text analysis”, or “text-as-data”.
This course provides an overview of text-as-data methods for social science students. The key goals of the course are: to introduce the foundational models and approaches used to analyse large-scale collections of texts in modern social science; to develop students’ abilities to critically evaluate existing text-as-data work in the discipline; and to provide the practical skills required to conduct an original research project which uses quantitative text analysis methods.
Throughout the course, we will think deeply about the things we can (and cannot) measure reliably through the quantitative analysis of text; discover how treating text as data necessitates making assumptions, which can be consequential; learn tools to collect and manipulate large collections of text; and develop a suite of practical computational skills to apply text-as-data analyses to data of widely varying forms. Throughout the course, we will cover a wide variety of topics and examples from political science, economics, and public policy.
Students should have a working knowledge of the methods covered in typical introductory quantitative methods courses (i.e. to the level of PUBL0055 or equivalent). At a minimum, this should include hypothesis testing and multiple linear regression. You will need to provide me with evidence of having completed at least one prior course that covers this material.
Students who have not taken PUBL0055 earlier in the year may wish to refresh their knowledge before starting this course. A good resource in this regard is the following:
- Imai, Kosuke. 2017. Quantitative Social Science: An Introduction, Princeton University Press.
Learning, Assessment and Feedback
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the course, students should be able to:
- Understand the foundational models and approaches used to analyse large-scale collections of texts in modern social science
- Critically evaluate existing text-as-data work in the social sciences
- Understand, apply and interpret a variety of quantitative methods for text data
These outcomes are indicative of the kinds of knowledge that should be demonstrated on the summative assessment.
Teaching Format
Teaching delivery will be split into lectures and seminars. Note that, in addition to the below, I will hold student support and feedback hours each week where you will be able to ask additional questions.
- Lectures
All of the main course content will be delivered in 2-hour lectures which will be delivered once a week. You are expected to attend all lectures.
- Seminars
This is a practical module, and a key learning objective is for students to be able to implement the statistical methods we cover during lectures to real data. Each week, you will complete a problem set which involves writing code in the R programming language (see below for more details) and interpreting the results.
The goal of these seminars is to provide you with ample time to ask questions about the problem set, and particular issues that relate to coding in R. During your allocated seminar time, you will be able to ask questions of the teacher; speak with other students about the problem set; and watch short live demonstrations from your seminar teacher. You will also be able to use Moodle to log questions for teaching staff or other students to answer outside of those allocated hours as well. Attendance during these seminar hours is mandatory and we will take a register at the beginning of the session.
Please note that we expect you to have made some attempt to answer the questions in the seminar materials before attending the seminar each week. This will make the seminars themselves much more productive.
Students will be evaluated through a 3000-word essay applying the methods from the course to a research question chosen by the student.
Part 1 (30%): a 1000 word review of an existing text-as-data application in a social science literature of your choice.
Part 2 (70%): a 2000 word research paper. For UG students, this involves formulating a research question, describing the methodological approach you will use, and identifying a suitable corpus on which the analysis would be conducted. For PG students, you will do all of the above but will also actually analyse the text data that you collect in order to provide an answer to your research question.
More detail on both parts of the assessment can be found on the Assessment Guidelines page of the website.
For formative work, students will also complete short “homework” assignments each week, which allow them to apply material from the course to concrete examples. These formative assessments provide an opportunity for peer and instructor feedback and play a small role in determining your final grade. Student who submit at least 6 homework assignments will be granted 10 extra points in the final mark.
All assignments will be available on the course website and annotated solutions will be released (also via the course website) on the next lecture day. Students will be also asked to submit their completed assignments before the next next lecture day, so that common problems can be discussed in the lecture/seminars.
Course Materials
Online resources
- Course website: The main source of information for lecture recordings, lecture notes, quizzes, problem sets, and readings will be the course website.
- Moodle: Other material relevant to the course will be uploaded to the course Moodle site
Textbooks and Readings
A full reading list for each week of the module can be found on the Schedule page of the website.
We primarily use the following textbook on this course:
- Text As Data: A New Framework for Machine Learning and the Social Sciences, Justin Grimmer, Margaret E. Roberts and Brandon M. Stewart, Princeton University Press, 2022
Students should read the articles set as “required” reading each week, and it is worth familiarising yourself also with at least some of the “recommended” reading. The required reading will often contain material that is not covered in the textbook, partly because the methods on this course are at the cutting edge of the discipline and so are (sometimes) too new to have received coverage in textbooks and (often) it is more interesting to read the papers than the book.
The “recommended” readings will typically cover recent or important implementations of the methods we will learn about, and will be helpful in (at least) two regards. First, reading these articles will provide you with an understanding of when the methods we study can provide interesting answers to previously thorny empirical questions. Second, these articles will be helpful templates for the research and review papers that you will write at the conclusion of the course.
Throughout the course we will use the free and open source statistical analysis software R. Before the course starts, you can and should download and install R on your personal computer. You should also also download and install RStudio, which is a user-interface to R. Please ensure that both R and RStudio are installed on your personal computers before the first lecture. UCL machines, either virtual via Desktop\(@\)UCL or on campus, will already have this software installed.
Students are not expected to have programming knowledge before starting class, and the computer labs will be centered around assignments which will help build knowledge of and intuition for coding in R. We will, however, move relatively fast in terms of programming on this course, so if this is an area where you have less experience then it might be worth doing some preparatory work first. Feel free to get in touch with Jack to ask for suggestions.
You will be provided with all the relevant code necessary for completing the class assignments and problem sets each week (you will also be provided with solution code for the problem sets). That said, what you get out of your experience with R in this course really will be a function of what you put into learning it. With that in mind, I’d recommend that everyone who is serious about doing well on the course spend at least a little time familiarising yourself with R in advance.
Academic Freedom
Academic freedom is the cornerstone of university research and teaching, so that all university staff, speakers, and students can freely explore questions and ideas and challenge perceived views and opinions, without being censored or harassed by a government, any state authorities, the University, other students, or external pressure groups. As part of the UCL academic community, all staff, speakers, and students share these responsibilities:
Everyone must respect freedom of thought and freedom of expression. Your lecturer will not limit what can be discussed in the seminar, as long as it is relevant to the subject. They will not censor any topics, and they will expose you to controversial issues, questions, facts, views, and debates.
- You may disagree with some facts or views that you read or hear in the classroom. You are encouraged to engage with these facts and views in a respectful manner.
- Your lecturer will not penalise you merely for expressing views they or other students disagree with. However, they will expect you to present logical arguments supported by evidence.
You are explicitly prohibited from recording, publishing, distributing or transferring any class material/content, in whole or in part, in any format, to any individual or entity outside the module, linking to or posting it online (including social media), or making it otherwise available to any person or entity outside the module, unless you have received prior specific written approval from the module leader. You are also explicitly prohibited from aiding or abetting in any of these actions. Similarly, your lecturer will not record, publish or distribute seminar sessions without the explicit consent of the participants.
By agreeing to take this module, you agree to abide by these terms. If you do not comply with these terms, you will potentially be subject to disciplinary actions similar to those under violations of the university Student Code of Conduct.
Use of Artificial Intelligence
Because this is a module about computational text analysis, it would be perverse – and counterproductive – not to allow the use of Large Language Model (LLM) tools like ChatGPT to assist you with your work. These tools represent cutting-edge advancements in text processing and analysis, and engaging with them is a valuable part of your learning experience.
However, it is essential to use these tools in a considered and ethical way that enhances your understanding of the subject rather than undermining it. This module encourages you to use AI tools thoughtfully, as a means of learning, problem-solving, and skill development, rather than simply as a shortcut to completing tasks.
Permitted Uses of AI
Learning and Problem-Solving:
You are encouraged to use AI tools to assist with coding, generating ideas, or troubleshooting problems. For example, you might ask an AI tool to explain an R function, suggest approaches to a coding challenge, or provide inspiration for structuring an analysis.
Any use of AI tools for these purposes must be acknowledged. When submitting your work, include a brief description of how you used the AI, specifying the tool and the specific tasks it assisted with.
Editing and Refining Writing:
- AI tools may be used to edit or refine your writing (e.g., fixing typos, clarifying meaning, or improving structure). If you use AI for editing, acknowledge this in a footnote, specifying the tool and the type of edits made.
Prohibited Uses of AI
Using AI to generate or draft large portions of your code or written submissions without significant modification or understanding is not permitted. This includes copying and pasting unmodified AI-generated text or code.
Delegating the critical thinking, research, or analysis required for assignments to an AI tool is prohibited and may constitute academic misconduct.
Acknowledgment and Transparency
If you use AI tools in any way, you must clearly acknowledge their role in your work. For example:
“I used ChatGPT to troubleshoot a coding error and to clarify the logic of a function.”
“I used Grammarly to improve sentence clarity and correct typographical errors in my assignment.”
Failure to acknowledge the use of AI tools, or misrepresenting AI-generated work as entirely your own, may be considered academic misconduct and will be investigated in line with UCL’s academic integrity policies.
By engaging with AI tools in a transparent and thoughtful way, you will not only improve your technical skills but also prepare for a world where AI is an increasingly important tool in professional contexts.